- Meetings are encouraged but should not be overused. Communication is key to developing new ideas and moving things forward. However, meetings should always
- Have agenda beforehand
- Be timed reasonably. It should not exceed 30 minutes (unless it definitely benefits from a longer timeframe, e.g. brainstorming)
- Be held with only people that are relevant → usually it should not exceed 5 people
Standup, All-hands & Retro
- Each team has its own standup structure, but generally, a written standup is required at the end of each day.
- Every second Tuesday, we are required to present our progress to the rest of the team via an all-hands call.
- At the end of every week, a team specific retro is conducted to summarize what each person has done this week. This is a great opportunity to reflect on the week’s goods and bads, and also to plan for the week after.
Remote vs In-Office
- The team is currently half remote and half in-person in Vancouver. We are transitioning to a fully in-person operation.
- Our Vancouver office serves as the hub for our collaborative team. Working together in person allows us to thrive in this fast-paced industry and nurtures a culture of creativity and innovation.